Saturday, December 5, 2009

Let's Get Going!

Shavua Tov,

It has been bothering me for some time now - how come there are so many great people unemployed in Beit Shemesh? After all, the Beit Shemesh community is full of many people working in high tech - with many of them holding high positions. Yet, I rarely see jobs posted anywhere.

Perhaps it is because, many of you don't realize how many people are currently out of work or perhaps you just don't think your job posts will help - well you are WRONG!

There are many people out of work and any job listing - especially if the job is posted as soon as it becomes available - will make a difference.

Furthermore, if you take ownership of the people sending you their CV - by making sure it gets to the right person and following up - the chances of one of your neighbors getting a job increases even more!

Bottom line: You know of a job - post as much information as you can. Your help can get one more frustrated person working and feeling good about themselves.

So if you here of any job leads - please send them to me @ bsjobblog @ and I will post them ASAP!



  1. Izzy-
    excellent idea!!!!!! we'll reference the site in our blog:

    let us know if you wanna post something

  2. ok but are there any jobs out there???

  3. I really want to help and used to regularly post jobs on the bs/rbs email lists from my company? what happened? Israemploy picked them up, spread them nationally..and i was getting cellphone calls on the way home from kiryat shemona to eilat. Not what I had intended!

    Beleieve me.. the hassle wasnt worth the finders fee my company was offering its staffers. I downsized to shmoozing outside shul on shabbat..This blog looks like a great idea if we can use it to help US....our friends and neighbors!

    Maybe some blog rules also in order, I was abused by email by people seeking work for their bored american teenage nephew out here for the summer. I kindly pointed out that my company didnt do sumemr stuff and secondly I was really trying to do the mitzva of helping frinds/neighbors find full-time work.

  4. yes..there are jobs..many are not even my company i know which departments need resource largley through complains in meetings that we cannot finish projects on time etc...the key is for us to get to tap our work colleagues, the potential recruiting managers not HR.

  5. To both anonymous posts - thanks for the feedback.

    I agree that the greatest potential is with our work colleagues and not with some headhunter.

    Helping people, sometimes requires a sacrifice. It is difficult to guarantee that someone won't poach this list and post the job nationally. So does that mean don't help? I don't think so. You can be selective and only help people from BS - but IMHO not-helping is not an option.

  6. Thank you for starting this. Hatzlacha to all job seekers and providers. May you make many shidduchim. I for one am seeking part-time work locally. It has been very frustrating.

  7. Please, please, please take the trouble to read the job specs that some of us post. Do not autoreflex email us your resume that in no way matches up to the requirements. Did you take the trouble to see what my company does, what it produces, did you ask me who works here and more information on the job being truly what level it is and who is the hiring manager etc? I want to help you...but you also have to do some of the grunt work!!!
