Sunday, January 17, 2010

Web Marketing Person

Full time entry-level position available for a Web Marketing Person at
illuminea ( The position is in Jerusalem. This person
will be responsible for:

- Developing sites and blogs on the WordPress platform
- Writing content for blogs and websites
- Social media marketing
- Email newsletter preparation and production through online email
management systems
- Managing our own sites, and client sites

There will also be an admin side to this position, and the person will be
responsible for managing our CRM system, billing clients and tracking

This position is an opportunity to increase your knowledge of the many
facets of social web marketing.

Yes, this is a lot of hats to wear, but illuminea is a small company and we
all wear a zillion hats. It's just part of it.


- Knowledge of HTML and CSS
- Excellent writing skills in English (English mother-tongue level is a
- An understanding of why some sites work, and others don't; why some
sites are usable, and others aren't.
- Enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge - You need to be the type of
person who gets excited about geeky things like the latest twitter app. The
reason for this is that our field is one that changes every day, and there's
always more to learn, but you need to want to learn.
- "Rosh Gadol" - not just waiting to be told what to do, but taking
initiative, sharing ideas, learning and practicing on your own.


- You're familiar with managing a WordPress site via the backend/admin.
Even better if you've dabbled in developing a WordPress site.
- You are a pretty active user of twitter and facebook.
- You've created some kind of video and uploaded it to a video sharing
site like YouTube.
- You're a blogger.
- You're able to read and comprehend Hebrew and converse in Hebrew.

Perks of working here:

- Opportunities to learn and develop your skill set - we place great
emphasis on increasing our knowledge. We will train you and continually
share our knowledge with you. Every day we learn something new here, which
is fun if that's your thing.
- We work with really interesting and innovative people and projects -
our clients are pretty cool, and we work with some of the leading
organizations in Israel. We also have a growing base of interesting clients
in the US.
- Room to grow - we want you to grow with us.
- We get to watch grapes grow right outside our office door on a real
life grape vine. One day maybe we'll pick a bunch, stomp on them, and make
wine. Or we'll just continue buying wine in the supermarket.

How to Apply:

- Send your CV to jobs with subject line: "Application for
Web Marketing job."
- In your cover letter, write the usual cover letter stuff and also tell
us about your favorite website / blog / web application in 5 or less
sentences. Tell us what this site does, and why you like it.

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