Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Marketing Data Cleansing (part-time)

Please send all relevant CV's to hiring.67@gmail.com

*Part-time Position and Opportunity Overview

*Cleaning marketing lead data and ensuring quality lead data in the
marketing automation system (Marketo) . The role requires the candidate to
be extremely detail-oriented and understand the strategy of the lead
collection/processing process. The candidate must be able to perform
consistent, quality data review and correction within the Marketing
(web-based) systems.

· Lead cleansing from raw leads through qualified sales
· Ensure accurate and complete information in the marketing
automation system..
· Address standardization - proper case all records, move data into
the correct fields standardize all abbreviations to ensure that mail
reaches the customer/prospect.
· Company details - standardize company names on the legal entity
name. Locate and demographics such as industry vertical, sales revenues,
employees, growth rates, etc, to allow data segmentation as well as format
telephone numbers.
· Contact details - append a salutation where possible, remove
garbage records such as Mickey Mouse and Homer Simpson, standardize
formatting to relevant case
· Check validity of email addresses and calculate where blank, link
job titles to job functions to allow segmentation, etc.
· Be able to locate missing company and contact data in commercial
systems such as Jigsaw, Rain King, LinkedIn, etc.

S/W Enterprise Company seeks a highly motivated and experienced enterprise
software (B2B) marketing professional.
Key requirements include:

· High quality data entry and analysis skills
· Good English skills (verbal and writing, but spelling and written
comprehension are especially important)
· Experience in CRM or other database systems
· Highly energetic and self-starter
· Working knowledge of Marketo and Saleforce.com are highly
· BSc/BA an advantage

* Reporting
*The Data Cleansing Technician reports to the Online Marketing Director and
is located in the company headquarters Lod, Israel.

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